Interview with Yanti Tontowi


Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hello, my name is Yanti Tontowi - thank you for having me! I immigrated to the U.S. from the Java Islands in Indonesia 24 years ago and I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona with my husband and three beautiful children. I love all things fashion related. In my spare time, I find opportunities for charity work and involve myself in any way I can to help others in need.

How did you get into fashion design? (Or when did you become a fashion designer?)

I've been around fashion ever since I was a young child. I've entered local and international Indonesian beauty pageants and modeled for designers. I also worked behind the scenes as a makeup artist and stylist. Becoming a fashion designer was always a childhood dream of mine, but I had to sacrifice those plans as I focused on immigrating to the U.S. for better opportunities for my children and working multiple jobs to support my family. I am so blessed my children have grown into successful young adults and I've recently been able to focus more on growing my small business.

“The ability to design pieces the way I want it to look, fit, and feel motivates me.”

Who or what inspires you with your design decisions?

What inspires me… When I shop around, I feel like the pieces are one size fits all and are not 100% me. The ability to design pieces the way I want it to look, fit, and feel motivates me. But what really inspires me is my culture. My designs showcase mostly batik. Batik is a method of dyeing fabric with wax and tools originating from Indonesia. Each island in Indonesia has their own designs and patterns unique to their own style and culture. My designs include modern pieces with a combination of styles from different islands and hand-drawn designs of my own. I am proud of batik and want to share it with the world.

Would you give us a rundown of how you execute a project?

I am blessed to have a team in Indonesia to help bring my designs to life. I create designs at home and send them to the batik craftsmen and craftswomen where they use the unique method to create the designs on fabric. It's quite a long process going back and forth to make sure the art, waxing, and dyeing matches my designs. Then the fabric is sent to another team who will turn the fabric into the wearable modernized pieces I've designed as well. Every single one of my pieces are unique.

“I realized I was given a platform where I can introduce batik, so I decided to bring and show designs that were more classic and vintage, showcasing the true ethnic culture of Indonesia.”

We love your storytelling on the runway at USFW, would you tell us something about the inspiration or story behind this collection? How did you choose the prints/patterns for this collection?

I was so excited to be given the opportunity to show my designs in Utah. I realized I was given a platform where I can introduce batik, so I decided to bring and show designs that were more classic and vintage, showcasing the true ethnic culture of Indonesia. I chose prints and patterns that stayed true to the uniqueness of batik, but simultaneously showed how they can be worn in a modern way. My favorite piece in this collection would have to be the harem pants and kimono style with my personal designs inspired by Madura Island in Indonesia. This island loves strong, bold colors and I really felt the statement was made. We are planning to launch our website in early 2024; customers will be able to purchase our pieces online.

What are some of the challenges you face as a fashion designer? How do you motivate yourself to push through creating a collection?

There are a lot of challenges that come with being a fashion designer. I've experienced having to turn down opportunities to showcase or sell because of supply shortages and costs. Behind the scenes, there is a lot that can go wrong at the last minute, and you have to troubleshoot and try to fix things on the fly. Everything works out though when I know I've given it my all and when I have my team, friends, and family's support.

What advice do you have for anyone who wants to become a fashion designer?

My personal advice for anyone who wants to become a fashion designer is that if it is your true passion, then it is never too late; always stay true to your designs and learn to accept and welcome feedback and criticism. 

Runway Photographer: Spencer Oliphant
