Interview with Sovrenne

VESSEL: Could you please give us a brief introduction about yourself?

Sovrenne: I'm terrible at introductions. I see myself through a difficult lens, so meeting me in person is the best way to get to know me.

VESSEL: How did you get started in the modeling industry?

Sovrenne: I signed with a large agency right away, and within a year, I was traveling across the country more often than I was at home. I was on planes constantly, which allowed me to resign from my job at Intermountain.

VESSEL: Did you face challenges when starting your modeling career?

Sovrenne: Oh jeez, yeah. There are a lot of "freaky frogs" you have to get through to find your match. You encounter creative "princes" who aren't meant for you. Modeling in Utah is a double-edged sword. My career thrived due to scarcity; there's a small community of deep-toned models, and a lot of unspoken colorism in the industry.

VESSEL: If you could start over, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Sovrenne: "There are no easy paths, there are just paths."

VESSEL: What would you do differently?

Sovrenne: I would fear confusion less. A large part of my storyline has been hijacked by people forcing me to "grow up" to fill voids created by their own lost freedom. Modeling has been my saving grace, allowing me to explore my multiplicity and find pleasure in it.

VESSEL: Where do you usually draw inspiration from for your various endeavors?

Sovrenne: I draw inspiration from people who embody parts of myself that I haven't nurtured—local models, community members, friends, and characters from my favorite video games and films. I aim to be ruthlessly radical in my individualism, and this broad perspective has enriched my life.

VESSEL: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Sovrenne: I love hiking, riding my motorcycle, camping, chasing lizards, running botany experiments on Utah's ecology, mushroom foraging, attending live jazz performances, and tutoring first-generation students. I sunbathe, bake for events, and cook for fun. When I have the time, I love to travel. Most of all, I spend time with friends and family who constantly remind me of the infinite capacity we humans have to love life deeply. Also, I'm a huge nerd and love reading!

VESSEL: How do you keep yourself motivated, especially on challenging days?

Sovrenne: I ask myself, "What would Miles Morales do?" I may not be anyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but during tough times when I struggle with chronic depression, knowing that someone created a young Afro-Latino boy to look out for his community gives me the strength to want to save myself.

VESSEL: What advice would you give to aspiring models who are new to the industry?

Sovrenne: Don't give up, ever. Especially when navigating social media, remember you don't need to look a certain way or strive for perfection. The most important thing is to set your own "rules." Decide early what you're willing to do and what you're not. Separate this work from your ego, and in safe spaces where your voice is amplified by those around you, pour your heart into your work.

Model: Sovrenne @sovrenne